I got all packed up and ready to leave Cincinnati with lots of time to spare. I even had breakfast before the buffet closed! The Hyatt Place was so friendly.…
Category: <span>Modern Quilting</span>
We finished the photo shoot! I’m feeling good… Here’s a pic of me posing behind my sewing machine on the set. I’m done with my bit, but now all the photographs will need…
Back at St. Paul’s Church in Champaign on Saturday morning for a change of pace from Friday’s handwork class. We set up our machines and, after a brief introduction to…
Naperville Modern Quilters Guild met last night. We are a small in number but very prolific! Many of us had made quilts for the IQF Chicago Modern Quilt Guild Drunkards Path…
I’ve had a couple of long sleeps since I returned home from Pasadena. I’ve still not quite got back on CST but never mind. I have unpacked, emptied the dishwasher…