Just to keep life interesting it snowed on Sunday! I had plenty of warning. The daffodils started blooming last week and that is always a sign of impending snow or…
Author: <span>catherineredford</span>
It’s been more than a week since I returned from my trip to Lodi. I had expected to post these pictures last weekend but that was before I was hacked!!…
I’m home! Did you miss me? Apparently Steve did 🙂 I cooked dinner last night… I was at the quilt show in Rosemont last week for four days, including set…
As promised, I have pictures of the flowers. We left the house at about 9.45 yesterday morning, allowing enough time for the sun to come up and beat the traffic?…
Last Saturday I set my alarm clock and was on the road by 7.15 AM for my trip up, across the border, to Kenosha. The highways weren’t too busy at…