Time for a change of pace?
I received an invitation from the Needle Artisans of NW Indiana back in September last year. Would I like to be the teacher at the annual State Day they were hosting for the local chapters of the Embroiderers Guild of America? Sounded like fun to me!
We sorted out the details, filled out a contract and put it on the calendar.
A year whizzes by and so last Friday I packed up the car and set off. It’s only 45 miles or so to Munster. I had forgotten that Friday afternoon is not a good time on the Illinois/Indiana highways…
I was not early checking into the hotel but Renee was patient, and still took me out to dinner. The sun was just about set by the time we were done.and the moon was risen…
Isn’t it amazing what a retention pond just by I-80 looks like in the right light?
There was an evening sewing social to enjoy before bed time. I joined the stitchers who had driven in to town for the event and a few locals. My butterflies kept my hands busy. I am on number seven of the twelve I need…
Up early on Saturday morning to get set up ready for a 9.30 start…
I was booked for a lecture and a workshop. I started with The Language of Flowers with some embroidery threads to give away. Threads seemed more appropriate than fabric for this group.
We had a short break and then it was time to get to grips with the basics of wool appliqué.The right needles and threads make all the difference.
Everyone got to stitching.
With a break for lunch, there was only really time to make a start on our little projects.
There were some people who had never worked with wool before. I hope it won’t be their last experience!
Just one group picture with about half the class. We said our goodbyes and I got back in the car. The drive home took less than half as long as the previous afternoon…
All that planning and it was over. The Needle Artisans made the day go so smoothly. There were goody bags, door prizes, raffle baskets, a show and tell table… You know those things don’t happen without a lot of work. Thanks for including me!
Today my quilt bee is meeting at my house. I need to clear up the kitchen a little first. My bags are almost packed for my next trip… I’m going to South Dakota on Thursday. I’m going to be Quilting in the Hills with the Black Hills Quilters Guild.
Enjoyed the post. Hope you have a great day.
I just started wool appliqué about three months ago. Your comment about the right needles makes me want to know “what ARE the right needles?” I’d love to know your thoughts.