I do really enjoy my time spent hand stitching. I’ve decided it’s the very nature of the tactile experience I appreciate. So much better than fidgeting or fiddling with things I’ve…
Category: <span>Travels</span>
Those big bags presented a major challenge! But nothing this intrepid traveller couldn’t cope with… When in doubt I have learned to get my wallet out and pay someone so I…
I’m home again! It’s time to catch up on last week’s adventure… I was ready bright and early on Wednesday morning, luggage packed, stacked by the front door. I needed…
It’s hard to believe that in just over two weeks I’ll be on my way home from Portland, Oregon. I’m sure we will all have had a great time at Quilt!Knit!Stitch!…
It was time to get back to work with the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild on Friday morning and Rhonda did the introductions just after nine o’clock. There were twenty seven…