This afternoon I finished sewing the binding on this fun bright quilt I put together last week with the fabrics I bought when I was in Madison with the girls…
Category: <span>Quilting</span>
I’ve been teaching a Fuse Like McKenna class at Pieceful Heart Fabrics once a quarter since 2008. We’ve modified it to include any fused pattern these days so I never quite…
Well, it’s been a fun-filled month. You would have thought that I could have had a few days, or even weeks to relax after all the excitement of a wedding…
We had a good turnout for our Quilter and Child class at Pieceful Heart Fabrics. Everyone quickly set to work on Upwardly Mobile, a Patrick Lose pattern. Pattern pieces were…
Having baked a lot of cakes, life progressed… Riverwalk Quilters enjoyed a philanthropy sew-in for our April program. We hadn’t held one on a regular Tuesday meeting night for a…