Look what I ran into when I was out and about on Thursday! I’ve been asked where copies of the summer edition of Modern Patchwork can be found… Barnes and…
Category: <span>Machine Quilting</span>
For all our worries, our journey to Little Rock was remarkably simple and before we knew it we had arrived at the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport. The…
I’ve been doing a lot of walking foot quilting over the past few years but that doesn’t mean that I never attach my darning foot and put the feed dogs…
I’ve been busy. I feel like I have been more than a little remiss about blogging and I’ll not mention cleaning, shopping, cooking… But it’s all good! I have been…
Today’s news… I’m so excited! I’ve got two quilts and an article in this summer’s edition of Modern Patchwork. “Hexies by Hand”? That’s my article. My English paper pieced quilt After…