Well the best laid plans of mice and men… and women often get rearranged so it was no surprise that Cheryl and I got our dates muddled… So we updated…
Author: <span>catherineredford</span>
Julia brought the children over yesterday afternoon for a short visit. Ruby got bored while we were watching the new Paddington Bear movie and wandered off… There was purpose to…
My Spoonflower order came just as I was heading off to Florida so I knew I had a fun project waiting for me on my return. I caught up on…
I enjoyed my change of pace last week in Tampa but now I’m back in quiltie-land again… Today found me with the ladies of the Centennial Quilters Guild, just 17…
It’s been a busy week! I wanted to finish showing off my pictures from Sewtopia, not that they are very good. I think I need to take the iPhone class…