How did you feel about the first day of school? A little apprehensive? or roaring to go? One particular back to school day stands out very clearly… as a rush to…
Author: <span>catherineredford</span>
Izzy wizzy, let’s get busy! Who was it that used to say that? Sooty, Sweep or perhaps it was Sue? That certainly dates me… and firmly places my growing up years…
I’ve been a busy bee recently. I’m a woman on a mission! Here’s a speedy run through of some of what I was up to last week… I made a quick baby quilt.…
I just have a few more pictures and I’ll be done with my Portland trip… There were signs in the street to let people know we were there. I didn’t…
Every quilt show needs a party… so Friday night found me at Scrappy Hour, actually two fun packed hours of food, friends and fabric scraps. I persuaded my fellow teacher…