Another week, another trip!!
I flew to Florida last Tuesday and I’m home again already. There are no direct flights to Daytona Beach but everything worked out, and my bags and I arrived safely thanks to American Airlines. I still don’t like the scrum around the gate at boarding and it just seems wrong to pay extra for bags. The coffee and cookies were good and I was happy with my seat allocation…
What’s not to love about weather in the 70s and low 80s when it’s cold and wet at home? The time rushed by so I didn’t take many pics… here’s my brief overview of AQS Quiltweek this year!!
The teachers were all put up in the Hilton Oceanfront Resort and it really was on the ocean front! Today’s featured image shows the view of the hotel from the beach. It was right there! I had a room on the 11th floor and I could leave the door open at night and hear the ocean.
Sunrise was just about 7o’clock. It was misty a couple of mornings. I caught it on a clear day…
Sunset was on the back of the hotel. We went out to dinner one evening and I was able to take this picture as we crossed the river.
I was in Daytona to teach four hand work classes. There were students at all stages of their stitching journey, from lots of experience to needing to learn how to thread a needle and tie a knot. Too much fun!
I gave one lecture and also presented at the All Star Review. Here’s the crowd at the All Star Review. I was the seventh teacher out of seven. They stayed awake!
We made time to go paddling in the ocean… My friend Joan drove across from the other side of the state and we got our feet wet together!
Susie from Indiana came to the classroom to say hello. She brought her younger sister… Those younger sisters 🙂
I got to hang out with Jenny Lyon on several evenings. She was busy teaching free motion quilting but we enjoyed several dinners together.
I returned home on Sunday and I have been busy unpacking, doing laundry, writing handouts and repacking to fly again in the morning! StitchesWest starts tomorrow evening in Sacramento and I will be there…
Meanwhile, I missed QuiltCon this year. I just haven’t mastered being in two places at one time! However I did have an article in the QuiltCon magazine.
It’s available on the Quilting Daily website.
QuiltCon not really your style? I just got notified that the article will also be included in the Spring edition of the Quilting Arts magazine. Only the digital version is available right now. The paper edition will be on newsstands in the middle of March. Order it online at Quilting Daily.Combining walking foot quilting and hand stitching really is one of my favorite things to do. I am delighted that the article will be seen by such a diverse crowd. Thanks to the people at Stitches for helping me come up with a title for the technique when I offered it as a class last year!
If you are an observant reader you might have noticed the ever-changing buttons at the side of my website with links to all the shows I am teaching at in the next few months. Click on them if there’s something that sounds good! I heard yesterday that I will be teaching at Houston again this year. I booked my hotel room last November. It’s good to know that I will be earning my keep while I am there. Perhaps 2023 is your year for Houston. You know everything is bigger in Texas.