OK, it’s been a while… I’ve been home from my adventures for over a week and nary a word or anything from this traveling quilt teacher?
Well I brought a cold home with me, and if you know me well you’ll know I do like to enjoy my colds… I’ll spare you the details, but I am all better now and ready to reminisce about my trip to New England. I was going to call my post “Adventures in Connecticut” but I did venture farther afield… we’ll come to that later!
So it was that I found myself at Midway airport, on a cold and miserable morning, two and a half weeks ago bound for Hartford. There was no point going for a window seat when there was low hanging clouds over Chicago 🙁
Catherine (there are a lot of them out East!) was waiting for me. My luggage came through no problem and off we set for my hotel. We called in at a quilt shop on the way (as one does) and I had just enough time for a cup of tea and to sort myself out before dinner and the guild meeting.
Southford Falls Quilt Guild are a small but mighty group meeting in Middlebury, Connecticut. My geography was improving minute by minute as we drove around the very pretty countryside.
I started with the obligatory pictures…
There is always someone who really won’t look up from their phone…
Oh well, what is one to do?
After me came a lively show and tell.
A long term bow tie project,A beautiful Gravity quilt,
the second in one week. There had been one in Michigan on Monday…
This one had one of Hoffman Fabric’s wide backs on the other side.Fall table runners,
a cute child’s quilt,
some small art pieces,
more fall colors,
and a bag made by that other Catherine using cork fabric!
Good times!
Heading East means that I get to go to bed early. Sometimes it means that I have to get up early too, but the library where the workshop was being held the next morning didn’t open until 9.30 so it was all quite civilized…
This time Catherine wanted to take a picture of the full class before we got started. She’s braver than me, standing on a chair.We had a full day to explore Walking Foot Quilting with just a short break for lunch.
Everyone worked hard. Did you notice those beautiful combined stitches in today’s featured image at the top of this post? I was too busy to get a lot of pictures but this super spiral deserved to be remembered.Good job everyone. Time to move on to my next stop but I hope I see you again before too long! Thanks for having me 🙂
Part two will follow tomorrow?
Catherine you can come back and visit us any time!
Thank you for the awesome presentation at our guild meeting. Also thank you for your lovely remembrance of your visit with us.