You know Albert Hammond’s song,
“It never rains in California, but girl, don’t they warn ya? It pours, man, it pours…” ?
It certainly poured last Sunday. We checked the doppler radar and set off in between storms for the drive down the hill to the Convention center in Ontario. We actually made it into the show without getting wet. There was just a little dodging of puddles and the people sweeping water out of the tented walkways…
We had decided to start our day in the pavilion which is the big tent outside the main area. That way if it blew away or sprang a leak we’d be done. It didn’t actually do either but we were prepared!
My first stop was with Gina Reddin of Splinters and Threads where I bought a lovely carved stamp. I don’t have picture because my bags are packed but I’ll try and remember to post a picture next time. Gina has been a Facebook friend since November and it was great to meet IRL.
Next stop was with Jill Finley who is the owner and designer at Jillily Studio. Here’s a picture of her oh so pretty booth.Jill gave me a layer cake of her latest fabric line, Meadow Sweets, when we met at the BERNINA Ambassador reunion in December. I was supposed to be making something with it but I couldn’t find it…
I cleared up my sewing space after Christmas and discovered it in a bag of stuff so now I can fulfill my promise so I could have a clear conscience approaching Jill in her booth!
Here’s Jill with my book postcard. Didn’t she do a great job of looking excited?
Pavillion explored we moved over to the main exhibition areas. I did do a little shopping but I promised a look at the quilts…
The Cherrywood Lion King exhibit was hanging in a prime location,and attracting well deserved attention.
This is the Kona Color of the Year exhibit sponsored by Robert Kaufman. Lots of neon yellow,
but other colors were allowed too…
We stopped to look at the space themed quilts in the Fly me to the Moon Exhibit.
Marilyn Badger’s beautiful quilts had an lovely area all of their own.
We had stopped to talk to Marilyn on Thursday but she wasn’t there on Sunday afternoon when I was taking pictures.
The judged show entries did not disappoint! I don’t like to single out particular quilts, there were so many spectacular ones to keep us entertained and inspired but here is an overview of some of the Art Pictorial quilts,
and here are some of the Modern Quilts, Negative Space entries.If you know me you know I am NOT a cat person, but I just have to include this next quilt by Connie Griner of Burlington, NC., Le Chat de Mondrian.
Too much fun?
The rain had started soon after our arrival at the show. The storm sounds provided an interesting background to much of our time in the various halls. At going home time the radar revealed no signs of it letting up any time soon so our intrepid travelers set off across the parking lot with their hoods up and heads down… and here’s the view of the road as Sheila took the wheel.Go Sheila! I say.
We arrived safely home and sent Andy out for our dinner…
Today I’m all packed up ready to return home. We have been on retreat in Temecula since the show. I was busy. It rained some more. Details to follow.
So much fun being with you at retreat and thanks for my wine glass! I used the top mark last night!
Had fun with you at retreat and loved watching you create so many interesting quilts. In the picture of Jill’s booth I got the log cabin quilt. Just love her fabrics. Can’t wait to start on it. See you in May.