I’ve been home a week and it’s about time I got back to work?
Let’s start with a quick review of my first road trip in six months!
It did feel good to get back out…
I started my preparations with a manicure, bubble bath pink.Really my preparations had started weeks before with an initial email from Susan Brubaker Knapp inviting me to return to the set of Quilting Arts TV. At that time I was still booked for an extended trip to teach in Texas so I had had to decline the invite, but as we all know… plans change!
I got back from the nail salon and loaded up the car with Steve’s help.
It’s only a little car but I had a lot of stuff 🙂
Almost 400 miles and a day later ( I stopped on the way) I arrived.All the stuff, ready for inspection.
I arrived in Solon on Tuesday afternoon so there was plenty of time to pull myself back together and be ready for filming on Wednesday. Susan had had to pull out due to Covid concerns so it was me and Vivika on set.
First segment… first costume… folk art embroidery… a little lady bug.Just a brief problem with my microphone falling off and me breaking the thread on the sewing machine and that was that!
Segment Two… Walking Foot Quilting – Beneath the Surface.
Second costume, sorting the samples,Adjusting the microphone,
Part Three, third blouse, crazy quilted wool pincushion, let’s get a picture with our masks?
And what about the pincushion?
Can it be segment four already? Another shirt… ready to make some Dorset buttons!
And just like that. It’s a wrap!
Vivika was a lovely hostess, keeping me on track and (almost) to time. She did compare me to her mom at one point but she said it was a compliment 🙂 The studio team was great. Thanks to Kristine for the pictures. There were a few that made me look human?
But there was no time to sit around. I had booked a shopping appointment at Sue Spargo’s store, down the road from Solon, in Akron for 8.30 the next morning. I had decided the best way to make sure I was on time would be to move hotels and stay close to the shop. So that’s what I did and, a few minutes before 8.30, I was there…It was just like I expected, beautifully laid out, full of all the very best stuff, gorgeous samples and friendly people.
A whole room of wool.And my favorite thread…
Sue and Amy came out to say hi but I didn’t take a picture. We were wearing masks. I had used Sue’s milled wools and wool threads for the appliqué butterflies in my book and I left one of my advance copies of my book with her. (I hope she she likes it!)
I did buy a little bag of goodies. In another year, when I had been working (and earning) more, perhaps I would have bought a bigger bag full, but I was very restrained!
I had had the felted birds in my shopping cart a little while ago but resisted… Now was my opportunity to bring them home, along with a Zimbabwean ostrich, some micro buttons, two Sashiko templates, cute labels, a circle weaving loom and a book that was both beautiful and intriguing…Time to get back in the car and head home. I only took a little detour on my way back to the Turnpike… then it was 310 miles on Interstate 80 before the next maneuver… I could do that…
Fun times. The proof will be in the watching, sometime next year. Two of the segments were for one series and two for the next. I will be sure to let you know when I know more! I woke up in the night thinking about what I could have done better but that’s not very helpful is it?
Ever onwards. I was tired when I got home. I have been packaging kits, clearing up, planning. The weather has been just right for sitting outside the last couple of afternoons so I have started some new embroideries. there’s not much to show just yet…
My new book is released tomorrow. Butterfly Stitches – Hand Embroidery and Wool Appliqué Designs, published by C&T, available wherever you buy your stitching books! (you can of course use my affiliate button up top if you desire)
I’m teaching at Thimbles in Lockport tomorrow so I’ll post some inside pictures and other good stuff on Saturday.
Very good times?
Catherine-Congratulations on your second book release!
Good day Catherine. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. It looks quite perfect from my chair.
Great to read what you’ve been doing!