I stopped to take a picture on the way to the show floor on Saturday morning. What a transformation!
Richard was looking happy! As well he might…
We were ready to go!
I went for a fast walk up and down all the aisles before the doors opened. Kaffe Fasset was still working out which quilt went where in his booth!
Saturday zipped by. We had lots of people stop by to say hello and take a look at our selection of beautiful hand dyed threads and yarns.
FYI The Astros won their game on Saturday night!
I needed an early morning picture of the view from my window on Sunday.I asked Becky to take a photo of me in the photo taking spot, in front of Emily Parson‘s lovely butterfly quilt. Becky took several to get one I could share with you! 🙂
I took another walk around the show floor. The displays were less extravagant than in years past but this one of Nancy Halvorsen‘s new line Wander Lane II from Benartex caught my eye.
Here’s Karla in the Cherrywood booth.
I met Rosanna Diggs at QuiltCon in Phoenix and we have stayed in touch. This was her first Market.
I took a break from all the fun of the show and went on an adventure with my friend Vivika after lunch…
We took a short Uber ride out to the Rothko Chapel (No pictures allowed) followed by a walk past the Broken Obelisk and reflecting pool,on to the Menil Collection campus (again no pictures allowed), and finished up at the Dan Flavin Installation.
I have to admit there were times I wondered what makes something art… but there were also some wonderful pieces on display. Follow the links to find out more.
We returned to the convention center for the last few hours of the afternoon and then I went out for dinner with Rosanna. I did enjoy my redfish at Ninfa’s!
This morning I made it across the bridge in time to take a stroll around the exhibits! I’m sure there will be lots of great pictures of the amazing quilts so I will just share this miniature one with you…
Bonnie Ferguson of Thatcher, Arizona made her Gramma’s Yo-Yo Flower Baskets quilt from 3356 1/4″ yo-yos!! Lots of work but what fun 🙂
I called in at the Wonderfil booth and snapped this shot of my friends there!!It is Halloween today after all. Jill stopped by the booth. We were pleased to see her!
And there you are… The show closed at three. All that preparation, and then it was over. I stayed to help out for a bit but left Richard and our helper, Cleveland, beginning the process of getting ready for Festival. I had things to do over here.
But before I go, what did I buy at Market this year?
My most major purchase was several linen dresses from Masai International. Perhaps they will feature in future pictures?
I bought Kaffe Fassett’s latest book.And had it signed…
Some cotton embellishment ribbons from YLI that will go into my traveling pop-up shop.
And some threads from Wonderfil that you will definitely be seeing more of!
And I found these cute teethers at the the very last minute in the Bohin booth. I’m sure I will be able to find homes for them both?
I start teaching tomorrow morning at 9. Introduction to Wool Appliqué in the morning and First Steps in Walking Foot Quilting in the afternoon. My bags are packed. I’m ready. I’ll report back soon!
Love “seeing” places and events I know I am destined to never see in person. Thanks for being my eyes!!
My pleasure! I love any and all excuses to have a good time
Missing Houston this year!!! Have a great time!!!