It’s been a busy week!
I was excited to drop my quilts off at Rosemont on Tuesday for my special exhibit at this year’s Chicago edition of International Quilt Festival. Hanging sleeves, labels, de-linted… all done!
On Wednesday I packed my bags and set off to check in at the Hilton before heading to the Convention Center to give Richard a hand getting set up in the Akonye Kena booth.
Here I am! Obviously on a good day?
The real fun started on Thursday.
I had to get some pictures of my exhibit before people came into the hall..Everything looking good. Postcards and a guest book on the table.
Here are (left to right) A Taste of Europe, Trip Around Australia, In the Jungle and Wild Creatures of India.Let’s look around the corner. These are Inspired by Molas, Symbols of the Pacific NorthWest and Russian Bird Quartet.
And the final three, Flora and Fauna of Japan, Out of Africa and Variations on a Pot.
Ten very different and yet similar wall quilts.
Each day at eleven I led a tour of the exhibit. Time to get a close look at the quilts and hear the stories behind them.I think I got better with practice…
In between times I was back in the booth for a sit and stitch opportunity. A few dollars bought you fabric, hand dyed threads, needle and designs and a little tuition. Some one looks pleased with her stitching!Let’s have a closer look…
There is a group that comes to the show on a bus every year. You can recognize them by their pink flowers. They are from the Menominee Falls area in Wisconsin. Here I am with two of the lovely ladies.
You never know, I might get to see them on their home territory sometime next year?
I always have fun in Open Studios. Of course I have to rely on other people’s pictures to show you. Thanks are certainly due to everyone who forward them to me.
Here I am on Thursday with Free Motion Fun.On Friday I was hand stitching in Embellished Folk Art Embroidery.
Here I am showing how I use a light box to transfer my designs.
My last spot was on Saturday from 2 until 4 when I was doing Modern Machine Quilting. That’s a big subject and there was a good sized crowd.
Lots of information to share and questions to answer.
What fun!
Wandering around the show on Saturday were Steve and Julia. They brought Flat Stanley with them.Steve had never been to a major quilt show before. I think he was suitably impressed. Julia thinks he should make a quilt. I don’t think there is much chance of that happening but I have learnt to never say never!
Well, with all that and signing a few books, and talking to lots and lots of people, there was much to keep me busy during the days of the show. There were night time activities too… we’ll leave those for another post.