Too much fun?
Is there such a thing?
My dad came visiting for twelve days. We kept him busy. It’s time to catch up somewhat. I’ve chosen just a few pictures out of the very many that were taken.
After Benjamin and Ruby’s visit we set off to see the other great grandchildren. First stop Chippewa Falls where Christopher did a good job sitting for the camera.
He keeps growing! Not that little preemie any more.
We went into Eau Claire to visit the Farmers Market and took advantage of the river backdrop for a four generations photograph.On Fathers’ Day itself we were in Waterloo to see Emily.
Great grandpa and Emily.And Emily with her parents and great grandpa.
Got to keep moving… We went to the Aurora Outlets on Monday but Tuesday found us at Midway for a flight to Nashville where Lucy was waiting to be introduced.
Big sister Lilly was ready for a discussion before dinner?
I’m not really sure if anything intelligible (or intelligent) was said?
It took a few tries but we managed to get everyone in a picture before we left after our quick two day visit.Did you notice Steve came with us on our travels? The laptop came too…
Our flight home was just a bit delayed. We took a devious route to avoid the thunderstorms. I took today’s featured image from my window as the sun was going down between the clouds over Indiana.
Just one day left so off we set for Rockford to see Benjamin and Ruby in their natural habitat. They liked the new socks we had found at the outlets.Around 1000 miles driven in total plus the 800 mile round trip flight… All great grandchildren seen and pronounced perfect!
Dad flew home Saturday evening. On Sunday Steve and I went to the airport together. Steve flew to Fort Lauderdale, I’ve been in Plymouth Minnesota, to visit the Women of the West Quilters Guild. I got back late last night (more thunderstorms). I’ve whizzed round this morning, doing laundry and repacking for today’s trip down town for BERNINA University which is tomorrow and Friday.
I will catch up with the quiltie things in my life as soon as I can…
No such thing as too much fun?
What a wonderful family tour. Great grandpa must have been thrilled. Since I am a new great grandmother, I know the thrill of this next generation. I loved sharing this special time with your family
Your pic of Lucy and you Dad melted my heart. You have a lovely family.
Lovely family!
I may be partial to two of your grandchildren, but all of them are adorable!