There are more well known cities named Princeton in the USA but I was very happy to be headed toward Princeton Illinois on Thursday afternoon. The corn looked good in the fields to the uneducated eye (mine!)…
I listened to a Crafty Planner podcast on the way. Jacquie Gering was Sandi Hazlewood’s guest on episode 81 and I felt very well educated on all things modern by the end of it.
My host had booked me a room at the Americinn which was right by the exit on I-80. Easy to see but a bit of a devious route to actually get there… Success, I did it, and checked in to relax and get myself ready for the evening’s presentation.
No problem finding the church and I pulled into the parking lot at the same time as another car which surprise, surprise contained Nancy who had booked me for the guild, and several of her friends. They helped me get my bags inside and set up ready to go.
Time to introduce me to the guild… What were these two saying about me?There are under 40 members in the guild so it was a small select gathering ready for my Language of Flowers lecture.
Looking from the podium to the left,
and just a few ladies to the right.
We had some fun with the quilts. Winner of most grandchildren (including the greats) had 32! We discovered Nancy was actually celebrating her birthday by coming to guild. We serenaded her with a rousing round of “Happy Birthday”…
The quilts were available for closer inspection in the break,
which was followed by the business meeting and then Show and Tell.
This was a vintage summer quilt picked up at an estate sale. Negative space is obviously not a new thing?
Walker bags will be the philanthropy project at the fall retreat. These ones were made from pre-quilted fabric.
I like this lovely graphic quilt. I think the owner said it was made of leftovers. I’d like to see the original quilt?
The same two ladies did all the quilt holding. I have realized that I often don’t get the chance to thank my helpers before they disappear back into the shadows so I am going to try and remember to acknowledge them in the future…
No name labels so no names, but these two did an excellent job!
Small but mighty, and so friendly. The evening was over far too quickly. Thanks for having me in Princeton!
A podcast with Heather Jones on the way back. I stopped in at Target to buy some more plastic totes… I see more clearing up in my future.
But first, I’ve just received a phone call. Some little visitors will be arriving any minute. Have I hidden all the scissors?
I recognize that jacket….I have the same one! Sounds like a fun night!