Did you miss me?
I hadn’t planned to take such a long break from writing blog posts. Sometimes life just happens! Nothing too drastic… Updating our cable plan seemed long overdue and it was all going to be so simple. One thing led to another and we ended up with our house wi-fi disconnected for two weeks. Justin and Jerry finally found the problem yesterday, wifi is back on and we might even get our updated service next Monday.
So here I am back in the world of blogging!
Let’s start with a family Christmas update.
Lilly arrived with Jonathan and Lauren on the 17th. At ten weeks she looked happy to be in Naperville?Benjamin and Ruby came over with Julia and Matt to see their new cousin. Ruby had some wise advice for Jonathan.
My dad flew in from England and we had a fun week. He and Jonathan went out on lots of errands together, sometimes joined by Lauren and Lilly, while I stayed home with a cold which took advantage of me being home to keep me there!
By Friday I was feeling a whole lot better and we all went out for a birthday celebration (yes, my birthday!) in downtown Naperville. We popped into Barnes and Noble for a couple of last minute presents and look what I spotted…This is a family update so I’m planning on doing a separate post where I will show you my contribution to the new edition of modern patchwork magazine.
We had decided to try the new Two Brothers restaurant in town, The Craftsman. The space has seen multiple occupants in the last few years and I hope it has finally found the right one.
The beer was very good…and we enjoyed a lovely meal in the second floor “farm-to-table tavern”.
So just like that it was Christmas Eve. Time to bid farewell to Lilly and her parents and set off North with my dad to Chippewa Falls. It’s a long drive but I was very happy in the back of the car with my knitting and new rose gold headphones that Steve had given me for my birthday. How did he know they were exactly what I wanted?
Patrick and Olive were waiting for us.Along with Ruby and Benjamin in their new Christmas pajamas!
There was no chance of them sitting still for a posed picture with their Great Grandpa.
Sarah and James had a house full with John and Joanne joining the fun too (are you as confused as me yet?) so my dad, Steve and I headed to the new local hotel to stay. A very good plan!
Christmas Day arrived bright and crisp as you might expect in the frozen North.
Present opening is always fun with children to help out. What’s this Aunty Sarah and Cool James? Our mom has made you a pillow with your zip code on it!
She’s made one for Aunty Joanne and Uncle John too?How did Grandma know I really wanted a Ruby Bell bird?
I was quite happy to not be needed in the kitchen. Charcuterie and cheese trays appeared as if by magic. Sausage rolls and bacon wrapped dates came hot out of the oven. A full traditional English style turkey Christmas dinner was enjoyed after pulling crackers and donning paper crowns.
And a Buche de Noel? with made from scratch meringue mushrooms?
No problem for the team working in the kitchen…
Good times!
The young left on Monday, leaving the old people to hang out with Sarah and James for an extra day. When in Chippewa Falls you have to visit Leinenkugel’s so we did. Five beers for five dollars? A bit too much beer for some of us but we did our best.
We headed home on Tuesday, stopping in at Stitch Supply Co. on the way.
Wow! They need a separate post. You can expect to see that in the not too distant future.
We stopped off in Rockford so Great Grandpa could see Benjamin and Ruby in their home territory and the sun was setting before we arrived home. Today’s featured image was taken on the I-39 south of Rockford. I wasn’t driving!
Just a couple more days for my dad to enjoy the delights of Chicagoland. We made a trip to the bank to pay some checks in. It’s in McDonald’s Plaza in Oakbrook. Everyone should have their picture taken with Ronald.Dad flew home on Friday but there was no end to the fun in Naperville. We’ll get to that another time. I haven’t been in my sewing room for a long time and there are deadlines to meet…
I’m not going to leave it so long before the next post.
Busy Busy!! Welcome back!