Well I had good intentions… Time has got away from me so I’m just quick posting some pictures before I go downstairs this morning for my last day at Quilt…
Category: <span>Travels</span>
I don’t know if this is going to continue but I’ve got free internet in my room and it’s good and fast! So, I’m making the most of it and…
I’m here! I have wi-fi that is working well and a few minutes before I need to be anywhere so let’s see what I’ve been up to so far… The…
What a super day for a quilt show! The skies were blue and the sun was warm on Sunday morning for the second day of Faithful Circle‘s Quilt Show on…
Tuesday dawned, not particularly bright and beautiful… but the sun came out on the way up North to Madison, Wisconsin. It’s around 160 miles each way so I was glad…