I got a very welcome e-mail from Bev today with a photo attached.
Back at Road we had watched her little quilt develop from these elements on the wall at lunch time…
to this by the end of class…
Bev took her project home, did a little tweaking, added some bright borders, linear quilting and binding for a lovely finished, very happy and scrappy, improve quilt!
Thanks Bev for sharing your Modern Spring quilt.
It’s been a busy week. I’ve been doing a lot of this, and a lot of that too..
Here’s some linen stitch with Wonderfil’s Eleganza perle cotton in #3wt., knitted on 3.00mm needles during a lunch break. The beginning of a new project… I started a new embroidery with some House of Embroidery #8 perle cotton last night. It’s today’s featured image…
And in between I’ve been quilting…
The insert came from Sew Steady for my sewing machine table and it has been so good to have my B740 set up properly at last. I am so happy with my new machine!!
Tomorrow I must pack my bags. On Tuesday I’m leaving again. QuiltCon West, I’ll be on my way!