Yesterday was a great day to sit outside and sew… so, with a cup of coffee at my side, I made myself comfortable. The temperature was about 75 degrees, just right!…
Author: <span>catherineredford</span>
What to do on a sunny day in California? Why not make a pincushion with the wool from Pati at Marcus Fabrics? Great idea! We had been given two five inch…
Well, I made it out here no problem. TSApre on the boarding pass makes security a breeze. Steve thinks it’s shorthand for little old lady but I’ll take it! Lunch…
I was very restrained on last month’s little shop hop but one of the things I did buy was a charm pack of Zen Chic’s Juggling Summer from Moda, and a yard…
The catalogue for International Quilt Festival Chicago has been appearing in people’s mailboxes recently, mine included… I have always enjoyed leafing through the booklets, looking for classes I might take,…