I got all packed up and ready to leave Cincinnati with lots of time to spare. I even had breakfast before the buffet closed! The Hyatt Place was so friendly. The manager gave me a jar of candy with the logo on to remind me I should return one day… That’s a first for me.
With blue skies promised all the way I decided I should make a stop in Indianapolis to visit one of my favorite places. I put the address in to the GPS and set off. It’s less than two hours drive and I came off the highway easily enough. It’s a good job my friends from the Quilt Connection Guild in Greenwood had taken me to Crimson Tate‘s before because it’s an interesting few minutes drive between the Interstate and the store…
Massachusetts Avenue is in the trendy part of town but there was one parking spot left right in front and I was very happy to pull in and pay the meter. I discovered later how lucky I was to find that spot!
Such a happy store! Heather greeted me like a long lost friend ( I think she does that to everyone?). I just didn’t know where to start looking first.I had a good look and found a few things I needed. I had perused the website before I set off and had a few ideas. @crimsontavid was on hand to take my money.
And of course we needed a selfie! Heather convinced me I could do it…
A little bedraggled… no make up, hair in my eyes…but Heather makes up for all that!
After all that fun, I just had to find my way back on to the 65 North. Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day and the parade was just about to start… That’s why that parking spot was so amazing a find.
The GPS got very confused as there were lots of street closings and I had to keep going straight for quite a while… but we managed and eventually I found an on-ramp in the right direction. A stop in Lafayette for gas and I was home again… easy-peasy.
This time I had downloaded Desert Island Discs podcasts from the BBC so I listened to Bill Gates and Hugh Bonneville’s choice of music, amongst others. I used to try and track NPR along the way but the podcasts are much easier, and they made the miles fly by… Or may be I was just driving with the flow of traffic?
So what did I bring home from Crimson Tate?
A bundle of Echino solids in amazing bright colors, a piece of Imaginary Forest in clementine from Sopo Line, two fat eighths of Liberty Tana Lawn,
and a delightful fat quarter of this fun Japanese marching panda print!
Poor injured panda with a BandAid on his head. It reminds me of Julia who got a very sore bruised nose when she was practicing for the flags team at junior high!
So now I’m home for almost three weeks. I have a couple of trips planned so don’t worry I won’t have time to get in to any real mischief. Today I have laundry, unpacking and a few errands.
Tomorrow we celebrate Benjamin. I’m the grandmother of a six year old. How can that be? I’m looking forward to cake. Julia makes a good cake!
See, you were suppose to make that stop. Otherwise the parking spot wouldn’t have been available. BTW, love your scrumptious haul. The pandas are too cute, I agree. Have fun creating.