Yes, it’s been a while. Last time we spoke I was in Wisconsin with James, Sarah and Christopher, just hanging out…
I gave them all a day off on the Tuesday, and drove down the road to Stitch Supply Co. in Altoona where I was booked to teach Modern Machine Quilting… an introduction to walking foot and free motion quilting, all in six hours. The classroom was full.The ladies kept me busy. I don’t know about them but I was tired by the end of the day. I gave them lots to go home and think about!
I needed a picture of the rainbows in my breakfast cereal. You’d have taken one too?
The light comes through the old windows in the morning and onto the dining room table…Perhaps a bowl of Lucky Charms would have been more appropriate, if slightly less healthy?
Five nights is long enough for even the most patient children to put up with me. On Friday I moved onto the other Wisconsin grandchild. Joanne and Emily just beat me home.
It was past Emily’s smiling time…On Saturday Julia, Benjamin and Ruby came north for one last farm visit before school starts. We all went for a morning stroll. Lindsey came too!
It was just the right weather for some bubbly fun on the deck.
The fruit trees in the background are growing.
Time to drive home.
In between all the regular stuff of life I have met one deadline this week. There are 12 designs in this stack.You’ll have to wait to see more. Yes, I’m still keeping you waiting on that August wool butterfly design… it’s nearly ready!
Meanwhile my Mediterranean Breezes quilt came home on with two copies of the September/October edition of Modern Patchwork magazine.My article on curvy walking foot quilting and the pattern for the quilt takes up seven pages inside.
The team at the magazine do such a great job of making me look good 🙂
If you are interested, you can buy the magazine wherever you usually buy your quilting magazines, or order it direct from the Quilting Company. For $9.99, the price of a single pattern in most shops, you get articles, what’s new in the quilting world and ten patterns. I think that’s pretty good deal, even if one of the articles and a pattern are by me!
Did you listen to the podcast with Pat Sloan? I finally listened on the way between Chippewa Falls and Waterloo. I wasn’t too embarrassed by my performance. You can still find it here.
Here’s the quote that’s included on the website,
“When people come to my machine-quilting class, I don’t need them to look at me and think, ‘I can’t do that’. I like them to say, ‘Oh, you make it look easy’. I really want them to go home inspired that they can do that if they practice. If somebody really takes to machine-quilting, then once you’ve got a smooth stitch and an even stitch length, you can do your own thing. It’s really those beginner steps I want to inspire people to start.”
I think that about sums it up!
It’s all so good! Beautiful children.