The deadline for QuiltCon entries is fast approaching…
It’s been a busy week with my dad flying in last Saturday for the Holiday. We were joined by Julia, Matt and children on Wednesday night and James, Sarah, Jonathan and Lauren for lunch on Thursday. Once Julia’s family went home Jonathan and Lauren moved in… we’re off to the farm today!
So that’s enough with the excuses. I have been stitching a little. I bought my fabric for the Michael Miller Fabric Challenge as soon as it came in at Hawthorne Threads and it sat on the side in my sewing room while I made a plan. I had a plan all formulated in my head and was set to start when news came in from France…
And I came up with a new plan…
James had some pictures from his trip to Paris last spring and I asked him if I could use one for reference.
I cut an arc, as big as I could make it, from my half yard of Celebration Glitz clover in the zirconium color way and then some strips. I had a full yard of the confetti border print in platinum for the background and layered it with my backing fabric and a wool batt from Quilters Dream. Then I arranged my arc and strips, pinned them on, basted the background, stitched… more breaking news… and stitched…and more breaking news….
Trimmed and bound…
and voila! Ready for the photo shoot.
Julia’s hands are steadier than mine so she had the honor of handling the camera.
She took closeups too.
Now all I have to do is come up with a name and description. I have sixty three hours… no problem!
And then wait for the rejection notice?
What an awesome piece. Makes a very bold statement!
Bravo et MERCI!!! Only two words but a lot of gratitude and emotion in my (french) heart!
Thanks Annie, I’m glad you like it.
so elegantly wonderful! Very well done. (and what is the piece on the bed??? next post?) I can’t imagine QuiltCon will reject this creative and touching art honoring our “kin” in France. Thank you for sharing.