Painting again?

So, after I had emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it, cleaned up the kitchen and ran a few errands yesterday, what else had I to do?


After the class on Saturday I promised myself I would try some more painting… I wanted to do something I had drawn myself so I looked at an old Usborne book and sketched out some butterflies, adding a few moth characteristics to make them more fun. The moths had far more interesting body types…

To make my insects somewhat symmetrical I drew one side and then traced it in reverse. Of course they didn’t end up completely accurate but what would you expect from me?

It was a happy afternoon, watching the snow come down and listening to BBC Radio 4, including a new adaptation of Noel Coward’s classic Blythe Spirit… I just kept painting until I was done and then added the black outlines with a fine marker.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained… I went downstairs to layer and quilt my little piece. Judy uses Misty Fuse and wool batting so that’s what I did and I am quite pleased with the result…


It’s 11×9″. I haven’t decided how to finish the edges yet. I need to think about that a little while.

Here’s a close up…


I tried hard to keep my colors reasonably clean… I am learning about mixing the paints. I used a pink metallic for the background. It needed a lot of paint to cover the fabric completely.


What next? The roads are still looking bad… I bought some aluminum foil similar to what Judy uses at Hobby Lobby on Monday. I want to try making some embossed Christmas ornaments to give to my friends. I think I will use fussy cut motifs for the centers. The day awaits…