It was raining on Tuesday morning when I left the house for the fifty or so mile drive to Huntley…
First stop was for gas. Yes, the fuel gauge was registering one and a half gallons remaining as I pulled out of the driveway. That wasn’t going to be enough to get me even half way! The gas pumps were under cover which was a good thing as the rain came down harder.
The GPS told me it was going take just over an hour for my journey.
The rain continued. After I had been on the road for 45 minutes the GPS told me it would take another 65.
You’ve got to love the highway for a wet morning commute…
I finally got off the very congested 355 onto I-90 to enjoy the construction zone nearly all the way to my exit… Benjamin would have loved telling me all about the various diggers along the route! At least I was in the car and not out there working in the rain. The traffic sped up a little.
Of course I did finally reach my destination, just in time for social time. I set up quickly before I socialized too!
There’s something about a 25 cent table that always attracts a crowd…Don’t you love this quirky bird bag?
We had a very efficient business meeting and then I was up.
I do enjoy taking pictures of the members before I start.
Here’s the left hand side of the crowded room.And the right hand side!
They were a friendly bunch and I didn’t hear any snoring during my Lessons Learned While Quilting presentation.
Show and Tell was next.
A lovely One Patch Wonder quilt.A special child is going to be getting this quilt.
Ready for Christmas?
Tuffets and a co-ordinating spider!
Another baby quilt.
All made with love.
The meeting over the ladies came up to have a closer look.It was six years since I had been to Huntley to give a presentation on fabric wrapped coil pots… So much has happened in the intervening years. It really is true that time flies when you’re having fun!
I have two questions…. What is a one-patch wonder? And, what is a fabric wrapped coil pot? The quilts at your presentation were beautiful, especially the one patch wonder! Even though I don’t know how it’s done! Lol!
Hi Lea Anna. If you google one patch wonder quilts and look at the images it will show you lots of ideas. They are fun quilts to make. The pots are made with clothes line and fabric. It’s a class I teach.Thanks for asking!
Thank you so much! I am thinking that those coil pots are beautiful!!