The grandchildren had a long weekend to fill last week so where better to come than grandma’s house? Matt was on call so it was just Julia with the children.
We started at Super Target with a photo-op!Yes, they were behind there somewhere…
It’s always amazing what you can find in Target and we found we needed quite a few things.
Ruby came home inspired to make something.She just had a little help attaching the ties. It was fascinating to watch her line up her eyes and make the holes for her to look through.
Benjamin started on a list of food he wants at his seventh birthday party.It’s coming up very soon.
They had brought a volcano kit with them to stay out of trouble (?) It turned out to be quite a lot of work. Ruby enjoyed painting the Plaster of Paris mold on Saturday.They never did get around to setting off an eruption 🙂
We had a list of jobs that needed doing.
One of the more fun tasks on the to-do list was taking photos.
It was a struggle but we got a couple we can use. This one shows my braces off very well?Julia will be photo shopping them out very soon!
Benjamin joined me on the sofa to get a better look inside The Book.We also needed pics of me and Steve. This one is all the better for the mini photo bomber!
But this one just about sums us up…
Always fun in the Redford household…
In case you are wondering, there has been a lot of stitching going on.
I’m off to Florida this afternoon. It’s a vacation for me. Steve is there already. We’ll have a couple of days in Key Largo and a few back in Miami while Steve works. I will take some handwork but I’m going to be looking for a manatee and an alligator. Benjamin wants pictures!
Have a great time in Florida!!