I was booked for two days of classes with the Indianapolis Quilters Guild.
We started our Folk Art Embroidery class bright and early on Friday morning. After an introduction to some of the basic stitches everyone set to work, sewing on their circle samplers.I have a choice of background colors to pick from. I like what was happening with the cross stitches on this grey one!
I had lots of little stitcheries in my bag for inspiration. Sometimes it’s just nice to take a break!
We learned about some methods to transfer designs onto darker backgrounds. I had my light box with me for people to try. With its easily adjusted brightness level it certainly makes the job much easier…
Sometimes it’s just time to go shopping and I can always be relied on to help scratch that itch!
Hand sewing is always a great choice for a friendly sociable workshop but it’s good to get the machines out too. That’s what we did on Saturday morning. It was pouring when we unloaded our cars but we managed and the ladies set to work with gusto.
Happy Scrappy units appeared around the room.
Love these Cherrywoods!
Discussions took place before the units were stitched together. Katherine dressed to match her scraps!
I’m not sure which way up this is supposed to be?
The black background looks so dramatic on this one.
I’ll look forward to receiving some pictures of the finished quilts?
The guild gave me a goody bag at the hotel. It contained all sorts of fun stuff for my stay, including a bag of scraps… I couldn’t resist the challenge and I did some stitching too. That’s my little piece set as today’s featured image. Every quilt should include a parrot!
All done, I packed the car and set off south. Another day, another adventure. Pictures to follow!