It rained a lot Tuesday night. My FitBit shows me waking up five times and it was thundering each time!
But it was down to a heavy drizzle when we left the house so we got to the airport with only a couple of delays… including stopping for a Mama Duck and her ducklings to cross the road on Route 83! There was one brief heart stopping moment when a car came whizzing up the inside lane past all the stopped traffic and I was sure it was going to spell her demise… but they all got across safely and lived for at least another few hours.
I’ll think of them happily swimming on a pond somewhere, sort of like this little duck family I snapped a few years ago in Rockford!
The storms meant a small delay for our United Express flight to Knoxville. I met a lady at the gate who was heading out on the flight before mine to Fargo. I’m taking that flight in October to attend and teach at the North Star Quilters Guild Education Conference and it turns out her friend went to the last one. She’s a quilter so I gave her my card and perhaps I’ll see her there?
It was one of those little planes so my seat was both an aisle and a window. I never tire of seeing the city in the distance when we take off.The storm had moved on far enough that we could take the direct route but there were some fabulous clouds, even at cruising altitude.
The flight isn’t much more than an hour and Knoxville only has twelve gates so once we landed it wasn’t long before I had retrieved my luggage and was heading out the doors to meet Ann who was playing hostess for the next couple of days.
Ann used to live in Naperville and I knew her from her days working at Pieceful Heart Fabrics. I was excited to see her again!
After a quick bite to eat we stopped at just one quilt shop on the way back to her house.
Lots of lovely BERNINA’s inside but it was this vintage model that caught my eye.Don’t you love the built in lighting?!!
Gina’s is a lovely store with a wonderful range of everything you could possibly hope for.
Despite all that loveliness I came out with only the Row by Row license plate I have as today’s featured image! I am so self restrained in my old age?
And so to Ann’s home for dinner and some sleep ready for my first day with the Village Quilters of Loudon, Tennessee. We’ll catch up with them tomorrow!