A busy but productive week…

I have worked long, but not hard on my African Folklore Embroidery this week and finished my teapot I am calling “Two of a Kind”…

All sorts of wrapping techniques, incorporating couched silk ribbon and metallic threads, I made sure to obey rule#5 – have fun!

I have another piece started… and in May I am off to meet the Doll Gatherers at GALA 2010 A Doll-lightful World (www.dollgatherers.com) where I am going to be presenting “On Safari with African Folklore Embroidery” at the Saturday night dinner. Adventures are always good.

And while I was doing my embroidery a whole different sort of productivity was going on… Benjamin Matthew arrived at 3.29am on Thursday March 18th weighing in at 6lb 15oz. Here is baby and parents 9 hours later!

Looking good if you ask me. I’ll have to stop looking at all the pink fabrics and lace trims… there is some very cute “boy” stuff out there! Enough of the gender-neutral, until next time…

One Comment

  1. Kathleen said:

    Why is your teapot so much nicer than the sample? Very beautiful work!

    Baby Benjamin is beautiful too!!!

    March 26, 2010

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